In the advent of globalism, cultures, language and traditions are rapidly vanishing in favor of a unified, complex, and fast-paced value system which is based more on convenience than substance and which ultimately leave the soul... wanting.
In response, the mission of the Massilia Media Project is to use the power of journalism and the ancient art of midwifery to promote the rich and unique heritage of Provence and her people , thereby protecting her language and traditions.
Why promote southern French life here in America?
Because the lessons of Provençal culture are the solution to the microwave mindset: the South of France is known around the world as a location which exudes the finer things in life: warmth, sunshine, hospitality, faith, family, philosophy, joy, meaningful relationships, taking the time to do things right, and the maintenance of strong regional traditions. At the same time, it is not a culture of excess or lavish extravagance (despite what many materialistic Americans ascribe to it when they visit).... rather the beauty of Provence is that its people appreciate the value of simplicity, taking pleasure in the details, and enjoy the fruits of labor by living moderately and joyfully, with intention.
Throughout history, when people groups have been dispersed or exterminated, they have maintained their identity with language, tradition, and culture. Make no mistake about it: there is a culture war going on. How will we win if we do not remember the lessons of our ancestors?
Born in Provence and raised between Marseille and California, now living in the Southern United States, it is my hope that in advocating the virtues and value of Southern French culture here in the US we can not only unite people with a love of and intimate connection to the land of Provence, but in the bigger picture, preserve a culture which is under attack in every way by the globalist machine... a culture from which we as Americans have much to learn. I started this project with that in mind: to raise awareness and protect a culture from which the whole world can benefit.
The idea is simple: to use traditional and social media, citizen journalism, the art of midwifery, and people like you and me to value, teach, and preserve the culture of Provence, which in turn will preserve the important things in American life, and ultimately help people to live in the culture of life rather than be swallowed by the culture of death, so prevalent in our society.
If you would like to make a contribution to this project, please email me at
shekinnah( at )gmail( dot )com.