Get Involved

[in the world, there are those from marseille--- and those who wish they were]

It's simple: fight the culture of death on every front, beginning with the home. Using the power of journalism, tell the story of a place which celebrates family, daily work, nature, and life, helping them to keep alive these rich traditions. In doing so directly challenge a society whose evident fruits are the lonely, the unnatural, and ultimately, death. Fight injustice with knowledge. Fight death with life, war with peace, disregard and hate with love. All by promoting the culture of the people of Provence.

Want to get involved in the Massilia Media Project? Here are some ideas.

WRITERS AND PHOTOGRAPHERS are needed to report on cultural and political events both in Provence and here in the US to cover french advocacy events and write about their personal experiences. Going to a French concert? Reading a French book? Visiting or live in Provence? Record and relate your experiences about life in Provence, the daily struggles and triumphs facing the people of Marseille, and anything related to your own family's experiences with the language, culture and traditions of the south of France.

STORY SUBMISSIONS: email your article/story to me, along with your full name (or pen name), and any photos or drawings relevant to your submission.
PHOTO SUBMISSIONS: email your photos to me along with a reference sheet I can use to write a caption if needed. Please include the answers to the following questions: [who, what, where, when, how, and why?] along with your full name or pen name.
VIDEO SUBMISSIONS: send an email with the link to your video and any relevant information for me to post.

EVENT PLANNERS are needed who can coordinate gatherings and community events that promote French culture, from hosting a café philo to organizing a pétanque tournament.
If you have an event you would like to publicize, send me an email.

FAMILIES and INDIVIDUALS who want to help preserve/ advocate this beautiful culture by incorporating its traditions in their own home are the greatest need. Want to learn to play boules? How to make the perfect pastaga? Perfect your Marseille accent? That's really the point of all this, because you will see how incorporating the things which make provence what it is actually create a better, more compassionate and interesting global culture. Read the blog often and ask lots of questions. It's why this is here. :)


Qu'est-ce ce projet?

Le but de MASSILIA MEDIA PROJECT est de changer notre societé globale en utilisant les moyens médiatiques pour préserver la culture provençale.

C'est très simple: combattre la culture de la mort sur tous fronts, particulièrement celui de la culture familiale. En se servant de la puissance du journalisme, racconter l'histoire de cet endroit magique qui fête le quotidien, la famille, la nature, et la vie, pour aider les autres a garder ou connaitre ces riches traditions. Ca veux donc dire de poser un challenge a une société qui produit comme fruit la misère, la solitude, et la mort. Nous combattons l'injustice avec l'information. La mort avec la vie. La guerre avec la paix. La haine et l'indiférrence avec l'amour. Tout ca, avec la promotion et la preservation de la culture de provence.

Vous êtes provencaux?

J'ai besoin de vous! Envoyez moi vos articles, vos photos, vos vidéos, vos promotions, vos projets médiatiques pour m'aider a faire connaitre la culture provençale aux américains, pour justement que ceux qui n'ont jamais vécus une journée provençale pouront apprendre ces leçons profondéments valables pour vivre mieux dans le monde au large.