Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Pensez aux enfants...

Vous êtes Français et vous voulez aider les enfants Américains a comprendre l'experience Française?
Commencez au début... avec la langue!
Ici, nous avons une large population de familles qui n'envoient pas leurs enfants a l'école. A la place, nous faisons l'école á domicile. Les parents (souvent meme des parents qui travaillent) prennent en charge l'éducation de leurs enfants.
Pour nous qui faisons ca, qu'avez vous comme cahiers ou livres a nous recommender pour apprendre la grammaire Française, pour apprendre a lire et pour apprendre a former les lettres? Quelles méthodes sont les plus utilisés en France pour cela? Laissez un commentaire avec vos idées. Merci!

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

An englishman's first taste of Provence...

"It was a meal that we shall never forget; more accurately, it was several meals that we shall never forget, because it went beyond the gastronomic frontiers of anything we had ever experienced, both in quantity and length. It started with homemade pizza - not one, but three: anchovy, mushroom, and cheese, and it was obligatory to have a slice of each. Plates were then wiped with pieces torn from the two-foot loaves in the middle of the table, and the next course came out. There were pates of rabbit, boar, and thrush. There was a chunky, pork-based terrine laced with marc. There were saucissons spotted with peppercorns. There were tiny sweet onions marinated in a fresh tomato sauce. Plates were wiped once more and duck was brought in... We had entire breasts, entire legs, covered in a dark, savory gravy and surrounded by wild mushrooms.

We sat back, thankful that we had been able to finish, and watched with something close to panic as plates were wiped yet again and a huge, steaming casserole was placed on the table. This was the specialty of Madame our hostess - a rabbit civet of the richest, deepest brown - and our feeble requests for small portions were smilingly ignored. We ate it. We ate the green salad with knuckles of bread fried in garlic and olive oil, we ate the plump round crottins of goat's cheese, we ate the almond and cream gateau that the daughter of the house had prepared. That night, we ate for England."

-Peter Mayle, A Year in Provence.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Pourquoi aimer L'Olympique de Marseille?

Chanteur du groupe Massilia Sound System, Lux B, déclarait :

 « Le stade, tu peux être libre, chanter, habillé comme tu veux, vieux ou jeune, comptable, chômeur, le plombier, l’étudiant… On va tous se retrouver. C’est le dernier endroit folklorique. C’est le dernier endroit où toute la communauté marseillaise de toutes les religions, de toutes les races, de toutes les générations, se retrouve au stade et c’est là l’endroit où se créent encore Marseille et l’esprit marseillais » (1)

(1) Propos extraits du documentaire Mon Marseille à moi, produit en 2004 par la chaîne Planète, à l’occasion d’une semaine consacrée à la ville de Marseille.

Pastis party in the Carolinas

Recently at a baptism here in the Carolinas I had the pleasure of enjoying a glass of Pastis when it was brought out.... totally by surprise!

It had been nearly two months since my last trip to France and I was totally thrilled to have the opportunity to enjoy a cold glass of the jaune. Where do you buy your Pastis here in the states?


Marseille, Capitale de la Culture 2013

Marseille has been chosen as the Cultural Capital of Europe for 2013.

Information about Marseille, Capitale de la Culture 2013 can be found here:

Others have some reservations.. hear what Manu Chao thinks about  the project:

official site: